How do you answer this?
My Captain that I work for almost broke my heart tonight. Or maybe it was the children that were breaking my heart. You decide. How would you have answered? Keep in mind what is really best for the children, not just the emotions of your heart. Search your heart for what is best in God's eyes. I'll leave it open-ended for you to decide, but here is the story...
Tonight we went back to a friends house that we visited last week for the celebration of his new baby girl. Veseli is a bodyguard for one of the TMK Generals that we work with. The TMK is currently a civil disaster reaction force in Kosovo that my section is partially responsible for their supervision and training. Veseli is a great friendly guy and treated us to more hospitality then we deserved when we were there to celebrate a good thing for him! He has many children, 6 or 7 if I understand correctly. Last week we played with a few of them throughout the evening. Tonight, there were more then last week! Haha. Funny how the word spreads about soldiers and how much the kids want to be around them. The children range from the new two week old, a one and a half year old boy, a one and a half year old girl, a two year old boy, a 5 year old boy, a 6 year old girl, and then Jeneta who will be 8 years old tomorrow. Jeneta was one that we heavily played/talked with last week and I was interacting with her again.
Veseli was telling us how Jeneta has always told him that she wants to go and live in America for the "good life." Interesting how many people still believe in the dream of America and just want to get there for a better life. My captain was telling Veseli and Jeneta that next year for her birthday they should come visit him on his farm and he would have us soldiers (myself and our other sergeant) come there as well. Of course she is interested in it and my captain gave her one of his business cards to include his home email address and phone number on it. She treasured that. A little while later Jeneta is curled up under my arm and trying to learn to read the business card that my captain had given her. She is asking what everything says on it and I'm teaching her to say all of the words. Veseli and my captian were talking about how Veseli would really like for all of his kids to go to America and be raised there and taught in school there. The captain was explaining how it might be possible but they would definitely need to learn their English first so they would not be too much of a delay in getting them transitioned into school in America as well. They were talking for quite a bit and I hadn't realized how serious they were and all they must have been saying until my captain told me to come over there a minute because he seriously needed to talk to me about this. (I was only a seat away to begin with.) Jeneta slid down from the chair we are sitting on and I went and sat next to my captain. Jeneta knew what he was talking to me about because she came over and rested her elbows on my leg and propped her head up there and listened to everything the captain was saying to me. It would have been tough enough without her there, let alone her right there in front of me cuddled up. I'm being asked if I would be willing to move to Illinois and raise Veseli's children. Not all at once but a few at a time is how they would bring them over and I could take care of them. The captain was seriously proposing to me that he would purchase a trailer to put on his farm for me to live in with the kids. All I would have to worry about was some job that I could pay the utilities for the trailer and he would take care of the rest. My job would be to raise the kids and help integrate them into America. He even told me if I have a significant other that she could come along and together we could raise the kids. He asked what I thought about that? He told me that this isn't just a question to answer tonight, but something for me to think about as this would change the course of my life.
Here is Jeneta:
How would you answer that?
[Don't misunderstand me. I'm leaving this open ended not because I don't know my answer, but because this story doesn't need my answer. It's more something for you to question yourself. Please feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment. I'd love to hear your opinion of this matter and have it shared with others.]
[BTW, we are returning tomorrow to Veseli's house. You see from when we had been there last week and interacted with Jeneta, she asked her father Veseli if he would call the Americans and ask us to come to their house for her birthday. So tomorrow we head back again, as undeserving guests for a very special little girl's birthday.]
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us Natalie! As long as I remember when I am there tonight, I will let her know that you wish her a happy birthday.
I'm going to take an email my mom wrote me in response to this and post it for her. She poses some really good questions and just gives more thoughts for all to consider. I hope my mother won't mind. :)
Dear David,
My heart breaks with yours. As a mom, my initial reaction was that you should just bring them all home with you to live with us. (However I envisioned orphans coming home with you, not kids with two parents.) And
then reality sets in and I am bombarded with several questions.
Does your captain really know you?
Does he understand what a hardship he set up for you to even suggest this?
Did he get caught up in the emotion of the evening and speak without thinking of the consequences of his suggestion?
Doesn't he realize you have a life and plans and dreams of your own?
Does he really intend to carry our what he suggested?
What a predicament to be in. Anyway, just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and praying for you. What a beautiful little girl.
wow that is a tough situation, and your mom really does raise some good questions. i think i would have to be in the situation in order to really feel the whole weight of it, because i am not the best at imagining being where i am not, particularly if i have never been there. but i can understand that it would be a heart-wrenching situation.
as for how i would have answered, actually being in the situation could change everything. i don't know about you, but i know that i am not in a place where i am ready for children. i agree with natalie that you will be a great dad, but the timing and also having to give them back... it can be very hard. we did foster care when i was younger and i know we all had a hard time when the children left. they become a part of your life, but they are not really yours. and we had a foster child in my class this past fall who went back to his mom over Christmas and he had been living with her for around 2 years i think. so hard. so many issues to consider!
anyway, great pictures and i am glad you are having fun with the kids! God bless!
Thanks Katy for sharing with us! So far I'm still remaining quiet on my true feelings on this whole situation. Maybe soon enough I will make another post on all of my thoughts, my responses to everyone elses thoughts, and how I honestly feel in my heart. Though right now this story is still best being told by all of you!
Here are some more thoughts from my friend Ronda!
...Also, I want to respond to your opportunity with the kids. Without going into details, I want you to know I can relate to your dilema! You would be a gift to the children...but be sure you're doing it for the right reasons. Knowing you the little I do...I still know that you want to "save" these kids and give them a better life, showing them the love of Jesus. People like you and me need to realize that we can't save the world by ourselves. I'm not telling you not to consider it, just make sure you're doing it for the right reason if you do. I'll be praying...
Yea that's a hard one, But I would have to say if it was me I would say Yes! I'd definitly see if they could come to Ohio rather then Illoinois but if IL is it maybe this is God's way of opening a door for you as well as the children. Definitely examine yourself and your motives as has already been commented. NO ONE can answer for YOU. But I say yes, yes, yes!!!!! SJLH
BTW I'll pray for the subject. God bless.
Okay David. You asked for my opinion and I think I am ready to share it now. I have read the story and the comments and have put some thought into it myself.
By the way, thank you everyone who shared. I appreciated reading your comments and questions.:)
David, I hope you don't mind, but I am going to be totally honest. It is true that your Commander definitely put you on the spot and has asked a lot of you, but I think the real question here is what is best for the children? I ask myself, are the children being abused, neglected, uncared for, unloved? Are they in some great danger that they need rescued from? Are they in need of any emergency medical help or care? David, by the pictures you posted, it appears that the answer to the questions is "no." In your pictures, I see children who are decently dressed living in what appears to be a decent home. I see a littel girl smiling wide because in front of her sits a huge birthday cake. I see a father helping her daughter cut her cake to share with her guests. I see what appears to be happy, healthy children. David, Janetta wants to come to America for the "good life." Well, it appears to me that her and her siblings already have the "good life." They have two parents that love and care for them. To me, that is the "good life." The love and care of their parents is what those children truly need. That is what is important. Personally, I believe they need to stay together as a family.
David, I know you love those children and that you want to help them, but I feel that the best way you can help them is to leave them with their parents and pray that the Lord will keep His hand upon each one of them. David, please don't get me wrong. I am not trying to tell you what to do. I am just being honest.
I felt comfortable sharing my opinion with you because I believe you already know your answer. I also believe that you have put much prayer and thought into this and that you will base your decision on what God is telling you to do and not on what we all say. After all, pleasing God is the most important thing.
God bless you as you continue to work through this situation. I will be praying for you.
Wow... This is truly a trying situation you got yourself into. And in all honesty I am going to tell you that only you know the right answer. There are so many good questions raised in the comments on this story. And I respect them all but the only thing I wish to add is, David, you know in your heart what is best for the children. You already know the right anwser you feel it so go with it and whatever you decide know that you will have made the right decision. You are plenty capable of raising children but will that be exactly what the children need?? You know the situation there and only you can answer that question so go with that. God bless you and I'll definately be praying for ya!! ~MJB
My response is this: those kids need their mom and dad. Period. This isn't anything against you, David, because I know you'll be the best dad ever when you (and a wife, whoever God has in store for you) have kids. When I was in Russia, I experienced something strange: the Russian women (college students) in our program wanted desperately to "snag" one of the American guys so we would take them home with us to America. That was just out of the question.
The real question is this: what is the "good life"? What makes a life better? Is it the material things that we have here? Is it the opportunities we have? Sure, those things are good, but it's the love of Jesus makes my life good, no matter what I have or don't have. That is what I would want Jeneta to have.
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