Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Your homework assignment...

Your homework assignment, if you agree to take part in this joint story:

Make sure you read the posting, How do you answer this? and look at all the comments too. If you haven't left your thoughts yet please do so as we all can learn from each other. In a few more days I'll finally post how I feel about it and "my answer" if I was to give one.


At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi david!

just wanted you to know that you were missed at debbie's wedding. our camp table was so sad because so many people cancelled at the last minute. it ended up being me, ricki, leah and her boyfriend. but we had fun! the wedding was gorgeous, as was debbie! good times were had by all. hope things are going well over there!

God bless,

At 3:40 AM, Blogger David said...


I'm so sad I wasn't able to be there for Debbie's wedding. I totally understand that she had to make it early enough before her brother was deployed though. Guess a brother is more important then a friend... Haha. That is the way it should be!!! Those phooey heads that cancelled! My excuse should hold up against any of theirs!

I'm sure Debbie was absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to at least see some pictures, which by the way if you just came back to camp this summer that would make it a lot easier!


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